Come listen to a story .. bout a guy named PHLASH Was born to be a DJ. .and good at talkin trash Hes such a natural ..and his PHans all agree No one can replace him ..his job should be guaranteed !! PHorever, that is ..PHat Paychecks ..PHinancial PHuture Hes worked a lot of places ..the Virgin Islands to Indiana, Washington ..just to name a PHew Now hes with the XM by satellite Playin songs PHrom DC ..a Baby Boomers delight PHour Seasons, that is ..PHifth Dimension ..PHolk Songs PHLASH has been through every state the U S A Names em all in 30 seconds ..on any given day Recites the backwards alPHhabet is such a breeze Plus he has a PHascination ..PHor the letter P PH that is ..PHunny PHarm . PHan Clan PHLASH shares terrestrial space .. with two other dudes The innovative expert, CLEVE ..and MOTORMOUTH too Replayin all the memories ..The 60s on 6 Its worth the paid subscription get a satellite PHix PHen-O-menal, that is ..PHixin To Be ..PHab-U-lous Now we PHans would like to say… PHLASH and all his PHriends You should be very gratePHul ..that we PHaithfully tune in Be good to us, Your PHollowing ..and we will get along Well know how much you like us ..when you play our PHavorite song Yall Keep Playin Em, Now Ya Hear???!!! 444 PHrom PHairview, TEXAS aka: M.Clary, April 2004