What was all the whispering about at the Mesquite Rodeo? Juanita Hinton soon would be a half-century old !! No way, I thought .This cant be true. Wayne smiled with a sheepish grin. But I could tell he just couldnt handle That she still was younger than him. Im sure he thinks that Ill give her The same things I gave to him. Like X-Lax, Absorbine, and Rolaids Thank Heavens, I omitted Attends ! Instead I chose to give nice things So shed feel like a sexy, young wife. Id never do anything crazy Dont you know that I value my life? So cheers to the WalMart/Sams woman And also, the Allen Feed Store. She watches for those falling prices, Then goes back and buys so much more. Hooray, for the gal who does everything. Not a bone in her body is mean. Ive never seen her as proud as when Shes riding her John Deere Green. Much love to my friend and my neighbor May you have many more years to go. Im so happy that we got acquainted. So does Bob, P-Toad, Missy and Beau. And, as you enjoy this nice gathering With family, horses, and friends We all are here to salute you In 2044, we can do this again !!!! Your Farmstead Friend, Maureen Clary June, 1994